Kongressitiivistelmä laadittiin NurSeInQual-tutkimushankkeen toimesta Suomen sairaanhoitajat ry:n siunauksella. Torstaina 13.6.2025 klo 12-13:30 pidetään 90 min mittainen symposium, jonka aiheena on FINNISH NURSING POWER: NATIONAL BENCHMARKING AND MULTI-CENTER RESEARCH PROJECT OF NURSING-SENSITIVE QUALITY OUTCOMES.
Symposiumissa ovat esillä seuraavat aiheet ja esittäjät:
- The Finnish consortium for the national benchmarking of nursing-sensitive outcomes and research collaboration with universities
Kristiina Junttila, RN, PhD, Professor, Director of Nursing Research Center, Helsinki University Hospital, Finland
• The aim is to introduce the background, current status, challenges and possibilities, e.g. research collaboration, of the Consortium. - Nurses’ excellent professional activity towards Magnet® culture – An interview study of Finnish top Nurse leaders
Anu Nurmeksela, RN, PhD, University Lecturer, Department of Nursing Science, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
• The aim is to describe nurse leaders’ experiences with nurses’ excellent professional activity in Finland as they work towards achieving Magnet® hospital culture. - Nurse engagement and related factors in hospital organizations in 2019–2022: a follow-up study.
Pirjo Kaakinen, RN, PhD, Docent, Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology, University of Oulu, Finland
• The aim of the presentation is to describe nurse engagement and related factors and changes during 2019–2022. - Patient satisfaction in hospital settings: A registry-based study
Marita Ritmala, RN, PhD, MPD, Nursing Administration, Helsinki University Hospital, Finland
• The aim of the presentation is to describe the satisfaction of adult hospital patients with their nursing care in 2019–2022 in different organizations and units. - The connection of nurse job satisfaction and patient satisfaction with inpatient falls and pressure injuries
Tarja Tervo-Heikkinen, RN, PhD, Senior Expert, Wellbeing Services County of North Savo, Kuopio University Hospital, Finland
• The aim is to describe the connection of nurse engagement and patient satisfaction with adverse events.
Symposiumin puheenjohtajana toimii Professori Tarja Kvist Itä-Suomen yliopistosta.
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