HoiVerKe ja yliopistojen kanssa yhteinen tutkimushanke (NurSeInQual) esillä ICN 2025 kongressissa!

Uutiset — 22.1.2025
Kongressitiivistelmä laadittiin NurSeInQual-tutkimushankkeen toimesta Suomen sairaanhoitajat ry:n siunauksella. Torstaina 13.6.2025 klo 12-13:30 pidetään 90 min mittainen symposium, jonka aiheena on FINNISH NURSING POWER: NATIONAL BENCHMARKING AND MULTI-CENTER RESEARCH PROJECT OF NURSING-SENSITIVE QUALITY OUTCOMES.

Kongressitiivistelmä laadittiin NurSeInQual-tutkimushankkeen toimesta Suomen sairaanhoitajat ry:n siunauksella. Torstaina 13.6.2025 klo 12-13:30 pidetään 90 min mittainen symposium, jonka aiheena on FINNISH NURSING POWER: NATIONAL BENCHMARKING AND MULTI-CENTER RESEARCH PROJECT OF NURSING-SENSITIVE QUALITY OUTCOMES.

Symposiumissa ovat esillä seuraavat aiheet ja esittäjät:

  1. The Finnish consortium for the national benchmarking of nursing-sensitive outcomes and research collaboration with universities
    Kristiina Junttila, RN, PhD, Professor, Director of Nursing Research Center, Helsinki University Hospital, Finland
    • The aim is to introduce the background, current status, challenges and possibilities, e.g. research collaboration, of the Consortium.
  2. Nurses’ excellent professional activity towards Magnet® culture – An interview study of Finnish top Nurse leaders
    Anu Nurmeksela, RN, PhD, University Lecturer, Department of Nursing Science, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
    • The aim is to describe nurse leaders’ experiences with nurses’ excellent professional activity in Finland as they work towards achieving Magnet® hospital culture.
  3. Nurse engagement and related factors in hospital organizations in 2019–2022: a follow-up study.
    Pirjo Kaakinen, RN, PhD, Docent, Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology, University of Oulu, Finland
    • The aim of the presentation is to describe nurse engagement and related factors and changes during 2019–2022.
  4. Patient satisfaction in hospital settings: A registry-based study
    Marita Ritmala, RN, PhD, MPD, Nursing Administration, Helsinki University Hospital, Finland
    • The aim of the presentation is to describe the satisfaction of adult hospital patients with their nursing care in 2019–2022 in different organizations and units.
  5. The connection of nurse job satisfaction and patient satisfaction with inpatient falls and pressure injuries
    Tarja Tervo-Heikkinen, RN, PhD, Senior Expert, Wellbeing Services County of North Savo, Kuopio University Hospital, Finland
    • The aim is to describe the connection of nurse engagement and patient satisfaction with adverse events.

Symposiumin puheenjohtajana toimii Professori Tarja Kvist Itä-Suomen yliopistosta.

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