Nursing-sensitive quality of care
The Hoiverke Consortium focuses on internationally recognized and defined indicators to ensure international benchmarking in the future.
Nursing-sensitive quality of care, what is it about?
Nursing structures, such as skill-mix, competence and nursing leadership, and processes (e.g., pressure injury risk assessment, administration of medication) affect patient care outcomes (e.g., pressure injury incidence), but also personnel outcomes, such as nurses’ job satisfaction and engagement. Nursing structures and processes affect also organisational outcomes, such as patient care costs, length of treatment periods.
Production of benchmark data
Currently, production of benchmark data covers the following quality aspects:
Nurses’ work satisfaction and engagement
One key factor in the success of ever-changing health care organisations is the work satisfaction of personnel, which can also be assessed as engagement. Work satisfaction precedes engagement.
Patient experience
Patient feedback on nursing is collected to find out how patients have experienced the nursing care they received.
Falls occurring in the context of care and nursing are common accidents that can result in serious injuries, prolonged hospital stays and increased social and health care costs.
Catheter related infections
Intravenous catheters cause most of the bacteremias observed in adult intensive care. Most of them are caused by central venous catheters.
Pain management
Coming soon!
Pressure ulcers / injuries
In hospital, nursing home, and community care (home care) acquired pressure ulcers/injuries are adverse events that can be largely prevented.
Birth experience
Coming soon!
Assessment of malnutrition risk
Coming soon!
Indicators of psychiatric nursing care
Coming soon!.