Central line-associated bloodstream infections, CLABSIs
Central line-associated bloodstream infections, CLABSIs
Intravenous catheters cause most of the bacteremias observed in adult intensive care. Most of them are caused by central venous catheters. In a European intensive care study, a central venous catheter caused more than four times the risk of bacteraemia.
The purpose of Hoiverke’s monitoring is to show the number of infections caused by central venous catheters in intensive care patients. Systematically collected infection data in relation to central line catheter days can be utilised when planning preventive measures and assessing their impact.
Data collection
Strictly defined monthly infection data are collected by the hygiene nurses of the organisations, and the number of central line catheter days are collected from the patient information systems of the intensive care units. As reference data, the number of infections associated with central line catheters per 1000 central line catheter days is produced. One central venous catheter per day per patient is taken into account for the catheter days, and the calculation of catheter days is made according to mutually agreed criteria. The comparison data is produced by the Wellbeing Services County of Pirkanmaa.
The results presented here are infections associated with central venous catheters per 1000 catheter days and the number of infections as additional information.